The Story:
As simple as having your favorite Pizza - @ times of COVID
The Under Stories:-
A successful product is always at the intersection of "Desirability", "Viability" and feasability. The Dominos team did exactly that. A brilliant Innovation, and worth mentioning is the core product remained the same. The Outerlayer brilliantly modulated keeping the COVID environment in mind and a beautiful connect to the evergrowing Pizza afficianadoes.
During the COVID times as receommended and partly because of the scare, we were holed up inside our homes. And suddenly one day we get this message that there is a DOMINOs PIZZA Food truck to be camped at our society from Morning 12 to Evening 10 PM. I visited the truck, and was amazed at the way the entire product (Includibg Service) was conceived end to end and Brilliant execution.
Key Noteworthy Points:
(1) Immaculate Cleanliness of the truck, and staff
(2) Totally Contactless service from order to takeaway
(3) Total Digital Payments
(4) Totally managed Order pipeline
(5) Committed 15 minutes delivery
Key Learning Points:
Innovation Process beats Innovation Ideas every time.
This was a perfect example of this Biblical rule.
The team anchored to desirability and innovated the viability and
feasibility dimensions from that anchor of
product market fit from that anchor of desirability.
(1) Here the Core Product Remained same.
(2) The Delivery process was well augmented.
(3) The Kitchen was innovated - with a limited Menu and only Takeaways.
(4) The experience was nicely managed.

Key Result: Happy Smiles all around
